competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine use full for civil services students Published this article page no 18 it is a centrally sponsored scheme where goi provides financial and technical assistance to the stateut governments for activities aimed at wildlife conservation. the scheme has three components viz support to protected areas (national parks wildlife sanctuaries conservation reserves and community reserves) protection of wildlife outside protected area and recovery programmes for saving critically endangered species and habitats. bustard recovery programmeit recommends linking local livelihoods with bustard conservation a profitable and equitable mechanism to share revenues generated from ecotourism with local communitiesshould be developedfor effective conservation the guidelines direct state governments to identify the core breeding areas for bustards and keep them inviolate from human disturbancesthe guidelines suggest restriction on infrastructure development and land use diversion for roads high tension electric poles intensive agriculture wind power generators and construction competition success review buy.

Competition success magazine

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Competition Success Review CSR

Competition Success Review CSR

Competition Success Review CSR Published this article page no 11 atal innovation mission  recognising this need the government of india has set up atal innovation mission (aim) to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the country.  aims objective is to develop new programmes and policies for fostering innovation in different sectors of the economy provide platform and collaboration opportunities for different stakeholders create awareness and create an umbrella structure to oversee innovation ecosystem of the country.six major initiatives taken in first year of its establishment o atal tinkering labs creating problemsolving mindset across schools in india. o atal incubation centres fostering worldclass startups and adding a new dimension to the incubator model. o atal new india challenges fostering product innovations and aligning them to the needs of various sectorsministries Competition Success Review CSR buy.

Competition Success Review CSR

Monday, July 25, 2022

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine Published this article page no 47 the case dealt with a petitin against the kerala gvernment challenging the cmpulsry acquisitin f his land by the gvernment under the kerala land refrms act 1963 as a vilatin f fundamental rights (frs) as enshrined in  articles 25 26 and 31 f the cnstitutin f india. the case was heard by a bench f 13 judges — the largest frmed in the supreme curt (sc). as hearing prceeded the scpe f the case was expanded t address the fllwing interpretatin f glakhnath case  interpretatin f the article 368 (pwer f parliament t amend the cnstitutin) the validity f the 24th cnstitutinal amendment act sectin 2 and 3 f the 25th cnstitutinal amendment act and 29th cnstitutinal amendment act. utcmes f kesavananda bharati case upheld the validity f the 24th amendment sc held that parliament had the pwer t amend any r all prvisins f the cnstitutin (including frs) with a cnditin that the amendments shuld nt alter damage r destry the essential features r the fundamental principles f the cnstitutin. this came t be knwn as the basic structure doctrine Competition Refresher Magazine buy.

Competition Refresher Magazine

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india Published this article page no  79 Current Scenario As of now farmers are bound to sell their agricultural produce only to Licensees in APMCs as per the APMC Act. This creates hindrances in free flow of Agricultural Produce and Fragmentation of Markets and Supply Chain and consequently less price realization for farmers.  A Central law will be formulated to provide – o Adequate choices to farmer to sell produce at attractive price o Barrier free InterState Trade o Framework for etrading of agriculture produce.  Indirectly the law will also provide a legal framework for facilitation of contract farming. Agriculture Produce Price and Quality Assurance  A facilitative legal framework is to be created to enable farmers for engaging with processors aggregators large retailers exporters etc. in a fair and transparent manner.  Risk mitigation for farmers assured returns and quality standardisation are envisaged to be an integral part of the framework.  Need for this such a framework Generally farmers dont have an enforceable standard mechanism to ensure predictability in the prices of commodities before sowing. o Private sector investment in provision of inputs and contribution of their scientific knowhow in the agriculture sector is hindered due to absence of a clear framework. OTHER INITIATIVES ANNOUNCED IN THE PACKAGE 12.4. INDUSTRIAL SECTORAL REFORMS ANNOUNCED IN THE PACKAGE Overview Policy and structural Reforms have been announced For FastTrack Investments and upgrading infrastructure to boost growth and create jobs in the country. National Animal Disease Control Programme  It was launched for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Brucellosis.  More about the Programme o It ensures 100% vaccination of cattle buffalo sheep goat and pig population (total 53 crore animals) for aforesaid diseases. o Till date about 1.5 crore cows & buffaloes have been vaccinated and tagged. Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund junior science refresher magazine  buy.

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india Published this article page no  77 The scheme aims to bring about Blue Revolution through sustainable and responsible development of fisheries sector in India. o Rs 11000 Crore has been allocated for activities in Marine Inland fisheries and Aquaculture whereas Rs. 9000 Crore for Infrastructure  Fishing Harbours Cold chain etc.  Objectives of PMMSY o Enhancing fish production from 137.58 lakh metric tons (201819) to 220 lakh metric tons by 202425. o Sustained average annual growth of about 9% in fish production. o An increase in the contribution of GVA of fisheries sector to the Agriculture GVA from 7.28% in 201819 to about 9% by 202425. o Double export earnings to about Rs. 100000 crore by 202425. o Enhancing productivity in aquaculture from the present national average of 3 tonnes to about 5 tonnes per hectare. o Reduction of postharvest losses from the reported 2025% to about 10%. o Enhancement of the domestic fish consumption from about 56 kg to about 12 kg per capita. o Generate about 55 lakhs direct and indirect employment opportunities in the fisheries sector along the supply and value chain. o Intended Beneficiaries of the scheme Fishers Fish farmers Fish workers Fish vendors SCsSTsWomenDifferently abled persons Fisheries cooperativesFederations FFPOs Fisheries Development corporations Self Help Groups (SHGs)Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) and Individual Entrepreneurs.Implementation strategy of the scheme o The PMMSY will be implemented as an umbrella scheme with two separate Components namely (a) Central Sector Scheme (CS) and (b) Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS). o Cluster or areabased approach would be followed with requisite forward and backward linkages and end to end solutions. o Thrust will be given for infusing new and emerging technologies like Recirculatory Aquaculture Systems Biofloc etc. to enhance production and productivity quality productive utilization of waste lands and water for Aquaculture junior science refresher magazine buy

Junior Science Refresher

Monday, May 16, 2022

Competition wizard

Competition wizard

Competition wizard Published this article page no  49  But they couldn’t go get it. NewsLaugh: Why is that? Dumier: Why else? They had no legs, a deficiency that brings us to how such things really evolved. NewsLaugh: How is that? Dumier: Think, monsieur! Since they needed legs to get to the food, they grew them. Then they walked out and chowed down. NewsLaugh: How do you think they eventually became exclusively land-based animals? Dumier: For the same reason that you go to the grocery store every week. There is a lot of food and you can pick it up without having to be concerned that somebody else will snatch it out of your hand. They noticed they were the only diners on land, whereas in the primal ocean, there were millions of fish, competing for every morsel and a big one might even dine on you. But on the land? No, such worries. There they beheld, not only the plentiful food, but, at least for the short term, the absence of competition for it. NewsLaugh: So your theory is that evolution was originally driven by the availability of food? Dumier: But, of course! Look even at the world today. Wherever there is a speck of food, for example, even lichen in the tiniest crack in a rock, some little bug or bird evolves to eat it. But first must come the food! NewsLaugh: How do you account for the evolution of homo sapiens? Dumier: My good man, look for yourself! The proof is right before your eyes. You have seen the famous cave paintings at Lascaux? NewsLaugh: Yes, we’re familiar with them. Dumier: Well, then, think about the famous Hall of the Bulls. Why do you think those primitive inhabitants were drawing  wizard magazine buy.

Competition wizard

Competition wizard

  Competition wizard

Competition wizard Published this article page no  50  And that brings us to the big question? The final step toward homo sapies. These primitives asked, ‘What next?’ At this point, they were ready, in Hegelian terms, to make the next big leap in self-realization. NewsLaugh: What was that? Dumier: They noticed grapes. They liked to eat them and savor the juice, but there is, after all, so little of the delectable nectar in a single grape. So they decided to squeeze a batch of them to have more. Then a female – or perhaps a less-warlike male who was tending the cave while the strong guys were out hunting for dinner - accidentally, or perhaps as an inspiration, dropped in some yeast. And what do you think? Voila again! Only this time vin! They discovered wine. NewsLaugh: Hmm, I suppose it might well have happened that way. Dumier: Yes, yes, why do you think we still age wine in a cave? But now you see the entire picture, do you not? There they are, these ancestors of ours, sitting in a cave around a fire, roasting steaks and drinking wine. How much of a step do you think it is beyond these nascent gourmets to homo sapiens as we know and feed him today? NewsLaugh: Yes, of course. But now that you have propounded your theory, what do you propose to do about the controversy you have created? Dumier: The best thing I can do. Just keep cooking and serving wine at my wonderful Michelin-rated restaurant. I must leave the scientific soufflĂ© I have whipped up at the Sorbonne and elsewhere to the scientists. NewsLaugh: What if your theory is refuted? Dumier: Refuted for whom, monsieur? Never for me! Whatever the experts decide, I will continue to believe that you cannot have a proper Theory of Evolution unless you make a primary place for the necessity of food and, later, for the delights of wine. NewsLaugh: Thank you, Chef Dumier. It has been a pleasure talking with you. Dumier: You’re most welcome. But, my good man, talk about pleasure, may I invite you to stay for dinner? This evening I am making some of my exquisite roti du boef, which will go quite well with an elegant Bordeaux wizard magazine buy.

  Competition wizard