competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, May 16, 2022

Competition wizard

Competition wizard

Competition wizard Published this article page no  49  But they couldn’t go get it. NewsLaugh: Why is that? Dumier: Why else? They had no legs, a deficiency that brings us to how such things really evolved. NewsLaugh: How is that? Dumier: Think, monsieur! Since they needed legs to get to the food, they grew them. Then they walked out and chowed down. NewsLaugh: How do you think they eventually became exclusively land-based animals? Dumier: For the same reason that you go to the grocery store every week. There is a lot of food and you can pick it up without having to be concerned that somebody else will snatch it out of your hand. They noticed they were the only diners on land, whereas in the primal ocean, there were millions of fish, competing for every morsel and a big one might even dine on you. But on the land? No, such worries. There they beheld, not only the plentiful food, but, at least for the short term, the absence of competition for it. NewsLaugh: So your theory is that evolution was originally driven by the availability of food? Dumier: But, of course! Look even at the world today. Wherever there is a speck of food, for example, even lichen in the tiniest crack in a rock, some little bug or bird evolves to eat it. But first must come the food! NewsLaugh: How do you account for the evolution of homo sapiens? Dumier: My good man, look for yourself! The proof is right before your eyes. You have seen the famous cave paintings at Lascaux? NewsLaugh: Yes, we’re familiar with them. Dumier: Well, then, think about the famous Hall of the Bulls. Why do you think those primitive inhabitants were drawing  wizard magazine buy.

Competition wizard

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