competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, May 16, 2022

Competition wizard

  Competition wizard

Competition wizard Published this article page no  50  And that brings us to the big question? The final step toward homo sapies. These primitives asked, ‘What next?’ At this point, they were ready, in Hegelian terms, to make the next big leap in self-realization. NewsLaugh: What was that? Dumier: They noticed grapes. They liked to eat them and savor the juice, but there is, after all, so little of the delectable nectar in a single grape. So they decided to squeeze a batch of them to have more. Then a female – or perhaps a less-warlike male who was tending the cave while the strong guys were out hunting for dinner - accidentally, or perhaps as an inspiration, dropped in some yeast. And what do you think? Voila again! Only this time vin! They discovered wine. NewsLaugh: Hmm, I suppose it might well have happened that way. Dumier: Yes, yes, why do you think we still age wine in a cave? But now you see the entire picture, do you not? There they are, these ancestors of ours, sitting in a cave around a fire, roasting steaks and drinking wine. How much of a step do you think it is beyond these nascent gourmets to homo sapiens as we know and feed him today? NewsLaugh: Yes, of course. But now that you have propounded your theory, what do you propose to do about the controversy you have created? Dumier: The best thing I can do. Just keep cooking and serving wine at my wonderful Michelin-rated restaurant. I must leave the scientific soufflĂ© I have whipped up at the Sorbonne and elsewhere to the scientists. NewsLaugh: What if your theory is refuted? Dumier: Refuted for whom, monsieur? Never for me! Whatever the experts decide, I will continue to believe that you cannot have a proper Theory of Evolution unless you make a primary place for the necessity of food and, later, for the delights of wine. NewsLaugh: Thank you, Chef Dumier. It has been a pleasure talking with you. Dumier: You’re most welcome. But, my good man, talk about pleasure, may I invite you to stay for dinner? This evening I am making some of my exquisite roti du boef, which will go quite well with an elegant Bordeaux wizard magazine buy.

  Competition wizard

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