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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india Published this article page no  77 The scheme aims to bring about Blue Revolution through sustainable and responsible development of fisheries sector in India. o Rs 11000 Crore has been allocated for activities in Marine Inland fisheries and Aquaculture whereas Rs. 9000 Crore for Infrastructure  Fishing Harbours Cold chain etc.  Objectives of PMMSY o Enhancing fish production from 137.58 lakh metric tons (201819) to 220 lakh metric tons by 202425. o Sustained average annual growth of about 9% in fish production. o An increase in the contribution of GVA of fisheries sector to the Agriculture GVA from 7.28% in 201819 to about 9% by 202425. o Double export earnings to about Rs. 100000 crore by 202425. o Enhancing productivity in aquaculture from the present national average of 3 tonnes to about 5 tonnes per hectare. o Reduction of postharvest losses from the reported 2025% to about 10%. o Enhancement of the domestic fish consumption from about 56 kg to about 12 kg per capita. o Generate about 55 lakhs direct and indirect employment opportunities in the fisheries sector along the supply and value chain. o Intended Beneficiaries of the scheme Fishers Fish farmers Fish workers Fish vendors SCsSTsWomenDifferently abled persons Fisheries cooperativesFederations FFPOs Fisheries Development corporations Self Help Groups (SHGs)Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) and Individual Entrepreneurs.Implementation strategy of the scheme o The PMMSY will be implemented as an umbrella scheme with two separate Components namely (a) Central Sector Scheme (CS) and (b) Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS). o Cluster or areabased approach would be followed with requisite forward and backward linkages and end to end solutions. o Thrust will be given for infusing new and emerging technologies like Recirculatory Aquaculture Systems Biofloc etc. to enhance production and productivity quality productive utilization of waste lands and water for Aquaculture junior science refresher magazine buy

Junior Science Refresher

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