competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, July 25, 2022

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine Published this article page no 47 the case dealt with a petitin against the kerala gvernment challenging the cmpulsry acquisitin f his land by the gvernment under the kerala land refrms act 1963 as a vilatin f fundamental rights (frs) as enshrined in  articles 25 26 and 31 f the cnstitutin f india. the case was heard by a bench f 13 judges — the largest frmed in the supreme curt (sc). as hearing prceeded the scpe f the case was expanded t address the fllwing interpretatin f glakhnath case  interpretatin f the article 368 (pwer f parliament t amend the cnstitutin) the validity f the 24th cnstitutinal amendment act sectin 2 and 3 f the 25th cnstitutinal amendment act and 29th cnstitutinal amendment act. utcmes f kesavananda bharati case upheld the validity f the 24th amendment sc held that parliament had the pwer t amend any r all prvisins f the cnstitutin (including frs) with a cnditin that the amendments shuld nt alter damage r destry the essential features r the fundamental principles f the cnstitutin. this came t be knwn as the basic structure doctrine Competition Refresher Magazine buy.

Competition Refresher Magazine

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