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Thursday, December 21, 2023

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle published this article page no 42 manures  although application of manures is beneficial for millets applying phosphorus to soil may not fetch optimal result as millets are unable to extract phosphorus from manures. hence excess phosphorus can lead to runoff waste.  compost: composting makes the organic material lean and nutrient rich. Banking service chronicle magazine it kills some diseases and weed seedlings and it is also easier to handle than bulk organic matters.  cover crop: in organic farming cover crops can be a sustainable and affordable source of nutrients by supplying plants needs for micronutrients phosphorus and potassium.  green manures: green manures like leguminous plants which make up the majority of green manures grown in fields are often integrated into the soil once they have grown sufficiently. sunhemp dhaincha pillipesara cluster beans and sesbania rostrana are the most significant crops for producing green manure  crop rotation: crop productivity nutrient availability insect control nutrient usage efficiency and soil physical qualities can all be improved through crop rotation Banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

Banking service chronicle

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