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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Friday, June 25, 2021

competition success review pdf free download 2021

competition success review pdf free download 2021 Published this article  Gandhijis ideas about choice of technology have been much debated but the key idea of optimally using the local resources and skill are the basic tenets of any text book trade theory. Machines are useful. But they should not impact the dignity of labour. Gandhijis concept of dignity of labour has several dimensions2 . Firstly it means that no labour is menial. In fact he strongly recommended a few hours of manual labour every day. That would ensure physical and mental fitness besides sensitising the employers of manual workers appropriately. Dignity of labour also means more importance to the man behind the machine. It means the need to treat that man with decency. Decency would include healthy and clean working conditions and reasonable wages. His intervention in the Ahmedabad textile workers strike can be seen as an attempt to ensure decent work. He was not against industries. Industries would be necessary for progress and they would have to make profit in order to survive but again the profits belong to the society that provided every possible resource to an industrialist who is therefore a mere trustee of this wealth. It becomes his obligation to look after the needs of the society. Using profit towards larger social good which is the crux of Corporate Social Responsibility can thus be traced back to Gandhijis idea of Trusteeship. competition success review pdf free download 2021

competition success review pdf free download 2021

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